Especially if you decide to go to the zoo in december. It was fun and we really had a good time sketching the animals that were enclosed. The giraffes were amazing and so was the polar bear and seal exhibit. I had a good time overall. I just wish that i hadnt left my lights on and drained my battery...and I wish i had worn boots.
We got to have a quick drawing session with him and a lecture about where he started and where he is at now. It was hilarious to see the stuff he was drawing when he decided he wanted to be an artist, and where he is now as an artist. He seriously is amazing. His studies of people and animals are sooo extensive. He talked about filling up one sketchbook a week while in college. That is perserverance. I mean, I love my sketch book and I think I do a pretty good job of filling them up, but one a week!? Holy Crap. Maybe its a different situation with being an animator. I feel like all my time drawing is put into each seperate page of animation....i feel like its hard to keepo drawing after youve done so many frames in a day. But its good to know that all this drawing will pay off one day.
I really think that I do need to start stretching my legs in the whole basics of characters....Im so stuck on what im animating at the moment. The fact that this is a year long project, is starting to make me depressed. I dont want to just draw one character for the rest of the year!
Im terrified of drawing i probably need to do that just not familiar with not around them....i dont have pets...i dont like pets...ugh.
so apparently i should learn how to draw so i can from memory. it would be good to be able to understand the basic anatomy of some dogs, cats, that kind of thing...i mean i have some understanding, but its not convincing enough if i dont have a picture of it in font of me.
my teacher is a total hippy. he definetly looks like he is wearing a night gown over his jeans.
Ok hopefully more to come...on the whoel sketching deal...
and check out my rough animation animatic...Its posted on my youtube site....
its still rough! so be kind!