Ok so i had my 10 week review on wendesday. It went pretty well. I had a bit of trouble with the computer, but finally got a grasp of the situation and pummeled forward. I got a great suggestion that tied up the loose endings with the end of my film. My friend Mike had some great ideas, that I think really improve the overall film. It finaly feels like a finished and complete piece. I cant wait to see it colored and on the big screen. I should be dont with my rough animation pretty soon, and i hope to start tying down my shots by Christmas. The film right now is about 1 minute and 30 seconds, which I think is a pretty good length, it might get a bit longer, once everyhting is timed correctly, but I really feel like Im on the right track.
I found out that my school CCS, is offering an advanced environments and characters class next semester, whcihc will help me fill my last sutdio class requirement. I also tallked with the teacher Ben, who has apporved of me using the class to develop my pitch, so I can have it ready for Heather at Cartoon Network.
Im really excited about it, and acutally I think that I will probably write my thesis paper about my pitch for cartoon network, rather than about my senior film. Both are very character driven pieces, but I feel it will help me out more to explore the thhree main characters in the Mammies Closet piece, rather than exploring Lilly, in Beware of Wolves..(which by the way is the new title)
Alrighty, welp. today I am attend the Southgate Players Club, rendition of "The Sound of Music" It should be interesting to say the least.
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